Case Studies
HUDImproving Service Delivery
Developing and implementing an experience strategy and building design capacity to improve service delivery at HUD. Wake Forest HealthImproving Outcomes from Bench to Bedside
Leading the redesign of a modern experience that increases access to care and promotes research excellence. |
Joint Artificial Intelligence CenterUsing Design to Improve Decision Making
Streamlining tools to enable decision-making. Cigna HealthcareEnhancing the Senior Experience Through Design
Leading the design of digital healthcare inroads for seniors. |
Lowe'sIncreasing Efficiency & Revenue Through Simple, Useful Design
Leading the redesign of a large international e-commerce website. Dr. PepperIncreasing Revenue by Solving Key Pain Points
Redesigning the ordering ecosystem for Dr. Pepper. |
Fannie MaeExpediting Liquidity in the Market
Leading the design to provide a better co-issue experience for lenders to provide faster liquidity in the market. Jackson LaboratoryImproving Access to Cure Research
Redesigning the The Jackson Laboratory corporate website. |
Non Project Work
As an associate director of experience design, there are many other responsibilities that make up my work.
Design SystemsI lead the creation of design systems that increase speed of delivery and consistency and usability of products.
ManagingI am in charge of reviews, feedback and compensation increases for multiple employees. I interview and select new members of the team.
Approach & StaffingI work collaboratively across disciplines to determine the best process and approach to individual projects. I also determine the number of resources and help staff projects.
Creating CapabilitiesI create different offerings and capabilities within our team. I work to determine what skill set we have and how we can package it into how we approach problems and projects.
MentoringI work to help more junior designers grow in the organization by meeting with them regularly to discuss their challenges and find ways to approach their work.
Pitching WorkI pitch work internally and externally to win new work with returning customers and new customers alike.